Patents with Feather Vane Steam Gas Separator in MVR Joined Novel Patents Group 蒸发器含盐蒸汽专用羽叶分离器专利获颁 | 2019-01-25 |
Another Feather Vane Demister Won Success in Sulphur Unit 3 又一套硫磺装置尾气专用羽叶分离器在中石油独山子石化三联合成功投运 | 2019-01-25 |
Patent Special FeatheVane Demister in S-Recovery Unit granted to Novel 采用羽叶分离技术的硫磺装置烟气脱硫洗涤塔节专利获颁 | 2019-01-25 |
IPECAS High Temperatured Special Style Cyclone Separator Delivered On Time 中科院过程所定制的NOVEL专利技术高温异型旋风 | 2019-01-25 |
Patent Reflecting Flow Cycloning Separators with T-Inlet Device granted to Novel配置切向入口的反射流旋流分离器专利获颁 | 2019-01-25 |
Drawings on Methanol Separators in Zhongtianhechuang CTO Project Approved 中天合创煤制烯烃甲醇分离器图纸获通过 | 2019-01-25 |
Patent Reflecting Flow Multi-Cyclones Dynamic Separator granted to Novel 专利“反射流多因子旋流子母动力学分离器”获得授权 | 2019-01-25 |
Patents HE Gas-Liquid Separator with Feather Vane Internals granted to Novel 专利“动力学高效气液分离羽叶内件”和“高效羽叶 | 2019-01-25 |