Patent Liquid Sulfur Gas Separation Unit with Feather Vane Granted to Novel采用羽叶分离技术的含液硫气体分离装置组态专利获颁发表时间:2022-08-05 18:12 Another new patent Liquid Sulfur Entrained Gas Separation Unit Adopted with Feather Vane Separation Technology was granted to Novel by National Patent Bureau in May, 2022. With the above mentioned patent system’s outstanding advantages such as anti-blocking, low operating pressure loss and excellent stability character, the operating troubles of the conventional sulfur separators such as frequent blocks, low performance efficiency, heavy maintenances workloads and high operating costs have been perfectly settled out by adopting the patented technology. 2022年5月,国家专利局又授予NOVEL旗下采用羽叶分离技术的含液硫气体分离装置新专利。由于NOVEL公司该专利技术装置具有杰出的抗堵塞性能、低运行压降和卓越稳定性等技术优势,该专利技术完美解决了传统硫磺分离器在实际运行工况下出现的诸如频繁堵塞、运行低效、维护工作强度高以及高运行成本等棘手问题。